Pause - What is SWOOP?

SWOOP is a student-led ad agency at the University of North Texas that focuses on the YMAC (Young, Multicultural, Always Connected) demographic. We were split into two teams to compete against each other and create ad campaigns for our client, UNT Dining Services. I spent Fall 2024 there as the copywriter for my team and created — drumroll please — copy (I know, please contain your shock) in the forms of taglines and body paragraphs for our final advertisements.

I also made survey fliers as a lil’ side hustle to help our team gather more insights for our campaign. Some may argue I had a little too much fun with that part. I’d argue I was just appealing to different Gen Z interests and completely utilizing my Canva Pro subscription (because I’m a woman of the people).

My Work!

  • "More Than A Swipe" - UNT Dining Services Plansbook

    Wrote the copy for our advertisements, created and put up survey flyers to gather more insights, and was my team’s Chief of Grammar Police.

  • YMAC '24 Annual Report

    Little research presentation regarding our target audience

  • Survey Flyers

    Put these (made by yours truly) around campus to get people intrigued and boost the number of insights my team got. Shamelessly promoted them on my Instagram and DMed other UNT-related accounts with bigger followings to promote them as well (Whoever runs the UNT YikYak account is officially a lifesaver and my parasocial bestie).

    Felt an ego boost when my non-UNT friends who couldn’t take the survey told me that they wished they could because it was “A+ marketing”, felt said ego boost turn into humility when I had to make sure prints didn’t fly out of my hands when I was putting them up on windy days (quickly understood why they’re called “fliers” after that).